
Sunday, September 20, 2009


"Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind."
- Henry David Thoreau, Walden


By Justine C. Tajonera

We got robbed in April,
after a wonderful meal
in a restaurant in Tagaytay*.
I felt a cold shock
emanating from
my gut,
thinking of possessions,
broken glass,
the violation
of my privacy.
They took away
my purse
with no money
but with irreplaceable
photos of
my mother.
In one blow
my identity floats
in limbo:
government issued
cards, ATM cards,
credit cards,
all gone.

After the initial
fear subsides,
I see that they
have not taken
I have nothing
but my arms
to hold
my son,
my hands
to comfort
my husband.
My heart continues
to beat,
my soul
has sloughed off
the trappings
of the life
before this
The rest are all

(Sept. 19, 2009)
*A city in South Luzon, Philippines

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