
Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Haunted Library: A spooky read that combines friendship, family, and detective skills

The Haunted Library (The Haunted Library, #1)The Haunted Library by Dori Hillestad Butler
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A spooky read that combines friendship, family, and detective skills

I read this book as part of a book club with kids from 6-8 years old. The kids got to identify with Kaz who struggles with his confidence in "ghostly skills" and spunky Claire who's a budding detective. The two of them made a great team! Our assignments ranged from showing up to the (Zoom) book club meeting as our favorite characters, making fingerprint characters (and seeing how each of our fingerprints were unique), recreating our favorite settings ("haunts" in the book), and creating shadow puppets. The kids found the story really fun and exciting. My daughter, my co-teacher for the book club, couldn't put down the book until she figured out who the library ghost was. It helped her tap into her inner private investigator. Overall, a great read for early elementary readers.

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